Right data analytics tools to consider for present and future analysis

Big data analytics may assist companies in a variety of fields, including retail, publishing, banking, and communications, in keeping track of their market success. It may also aid in the improvement of transportation infrastructure in different cities. Many communities are implementing analytics to improve the efficiency of their transit networks. It will also help to ensure that the educational framework produces the best possible outcomes. Analytical techniques are used in nearly any area imaginable.

The word “data analytics resources” refers to the technologies and frameworks that Data Analysts use to build and implement analytic systems that enable companies to make better, more rational strategic choices while lowering costs and increasing earnings.

Data analytics tools 2021

Why Data Analytics Tools Needed?

Consider how data analytics tools can be used to build models. Others provide a syntactical layer, whereas others may do their data modelling. There are plenty of comprehensive data analytics solutions on the market that you must not ignore. In case that you would prefer not to utilise which does, you’ll need to show the information prior to dissecting it utilising SQL or information investigation programming like the information assemble tools. Last but not least, remember the cost and licence requirements.

Many Data analytics tools include a licence or membership price, whereas others are completely free. How do you choose from a number of different analytics software which is a good choice for your business? Begin by determining the company’s operations needs and determining who will be utilising data analytics software. Would experience Data Scientists and Project Managers use it, or would it be used among non-technical consumers who require an interactive design? Any data analytics platforms offer an interactive environment in code development, typically using SQL, whereas others focus on a click-and-point analysis that is better suited for newcomers.

The modern generation of data science is a fast-paced environment. Each day, fresh problems and incredible inventions present themselves. To succeed in this setting, businesses must provide their employees with the most scalable and efficient data processing and data educational technology possible, allowing them to evolve quickly while maintaining protection and democracy. So now we’ve discussed what big data tools are and how to select the right business intelligence platform to build, let’s move on to the next step.

Some of the most common data analytics algorithms tools


Alteryx has a suite of tech products that can be used for data science and deep learning. The self-service interface features greater than 260 drag-and-drop building blocks, including Alteryx Programming that streamlines data processing, data mixing, monitoring, business intelligence, and business analytics. Users can instantly see cause and effect and dependencies, and also easily pick and contrast algorithm results, thanks to Alteryx. The app may be run in the cloud, around your own shield, or in a managed system without requiring any coding.


Anaconda technologies are cutting-edge technology with real-world data processing and data learning implementations. Anaconda is so adaptable that you would be able to fix challenges you didn’t even realise you had.

Hive and Pig

Pig and Hive are Hadoop digital marketing software that makes composing MapReduce questions less difficult. Both of these technologies are similar to SQL. Pig and/or Hive are being used by the majority of businesses that deal with Big Data that utilise the Hadoop framework. The Hadoop environment is made up of two main components: Pig and Hive. What problems does pig or hive Hadoop solve? Pig Hadoop and Hive Hadoop both have the same goal: they’re resources that make writing complicated Java MapReduce programmes easier. Hive is a data warehousing and ETL application placed on top of the Hadoop Hdfs (HDFS). Hive creates it easy to carry out tasks such as these.

  • Encapsulation of knowledge
  • Querying on the spot
  • Massive databases are analysed


Tableau is a very user-friendly data analytics tool capable of shredding the data as well as generating stunning visualisations and dashboards. Tableau can produce stronger visualisations as compared to Excel and it could certainly suitable for multi-clustered data architecture.


Excel is, without a doubt, a universal adopted data processing platform. You can use it for all your dirty work, of whether you’re a master in R or Tableau. On most platforms, non-analytic experts would not have access to software like SAS or R. Excel is, therefore, available to all.


RapidMiner is a data and analytics platform that takes care of all a customer needs in terms of infrastructure, from interoperability to statistical analysis and integration while running data analytics and building mathematical models. Users do almost all of this with R and Python, as well as a variety of third-party modules accessible on the data analytics firms platform, may be used to extend RapidMiner.

How to choose the best Web to Print Software provider in 2021

There is various leading web to print software available on the market. But only one product can meet your needs. There are various factors you have to evaluate a software product on. It will allow you to know if the product is the right fit for your business or not.

The technological advances that have occurred in the print industry in the past few decades have allowed the industry to thrive more than ever. It has also improved the profitability of the business, big or small. It allows them to stay competitive in the market and fulfil their business goals with a hybrid version that flashes the qualities of an eCommerce store in the traditional print business.

Web to Print Software provider in 2021

Moreover, the print software must meet the needs of not just you as a service provided but also the people visiting your website. An increasing number of print service providers are using the web to print software the implementing new practices in running their business. It allows them to get the benefits of data insights, provides them wide reach through an eCommerce like a store.

According to Statista, eCommerce sales are expected to reach $4.9 trillion USD in 2021. This is more than double the number in 2019. Covid-19 has just quickened the adoption rate of technology.
If you are looking for the right print store software provider, here are some tips you can use. This proven roadmap will allow you to avoid any mistakes and save you from investing your money in an inefficient product.

Tips you can use to choose the best web to print software provider


With the growing involvement of technology in our lives, businesses have started seeing major opportunities in the online market. It allows them to grow their reach and find people that are searching for their products and services.

Having said that, a lot has been said and predicted about the web to print software. It is a critical decision for many print businesses because there are pros and cons associated with every technology, including web to print.

The major challenge is that of implementation of the software. Meanwhile, a product can be great. It may not be implemented right and may hinder the customer experience. Furthermore, it may also cause some discrepancies in the business operations. We would be sharing more relative tips in the later sections of this blog.


Planning is crucial as it helps when you know about your needs. You face industry challenges, and you have your unique challenges. A web to print solution that is specially designed and developed for the products you offer and produce ready-to-print files that your machinery supports.

Depending on your niche, you might be using various types of printing equipment. A web to print software must comply with your needs and provide you with the services as required.
Also, scalability should not be ignored. It is possible if you go with the right web to print software provider, you will be able to cater to all the solutions. Printing is a very diverse industry; the advent of digital printing has allowed printers to provide solutions for even the products that were once seen as unprintable. Popular sites are available in the market where you can go for personalized printing on T-shirts, promotional items, business cards, and wide-format banners.

Choose a niche and list out all the necessary things you require in a product to help you manage the business. This includes specifying the finished size, printing material, coating, quantity, etc. This would help you provide the service providers with things they would need to customize the product.

Targeted Customer base

Knowing your customers requires you to target the marketing efforts as per the specifics. Similarly, you need a web to print provider that offers your users the same ease to perform customizations to the product and get them delivered to their doorsteps.

The user interface is a very necessary component of your software product. It decides how your users are interacting with your product, and if there are any problems in the design, you may start losing potential leads. Make sure you research your competitors well and know the good latest trends that can help you engage the customers and improve their experience to a great extent. So, when you are adding the customization tool, you must consider what tools are necessary for users to customize the products, such as text, images, clipart, design tools, etc.

For the printers that provide business solutions other than retail products, the user interface would be completely different. Business cards, flyers, menu cards, banners require some more high-end tools to create pixel-perfect designs with the print output having to cut the margins, adding QR codes, trimming marks, etc.

Back-office implementation

You must consult with the software product provider to configure your product catalogue and implement your print workflow with minimum training and staff. You can also consider the feasibility of integrating your current MIS and workflow systems.

Choose a solution that gives you user-friendly and scalable back-office support that can be implemented for a full print cycle requiring minimum human intervention.


What you see on the internet is going to be completely different from what is going to be printed. On the web, the image format is RGB, and the print format is CMYK. Also, the pixels are 72 DPI on the internet and 300 DPI on a printed copy.

The web to print solution must consider these things. To get the print accurate print engine must be able to convert the web designs to print-ready files or offers layered PDF or source files that can be improved for the print quality.

Limited design area

The designing tools would offer the users a limited area to design the products. Most of the web to print solutions would require you to scale up or down the products to fit the visible design area.
The design is very small in the design tool and needs to be printed on a larger surface. You need a solution that can help you maximize the design area offer your users great solutions with unprecedented quality. You need a solution that allows users to maximize the design area for the customers also. Avoid the tool that requires studio that requires scrolling and paging to view the design area.

Excellent support and training

While the web to print solution provider offers you the solutions mentioned above, many solution providers do not have a well-established support team. The lack of support would make it impossible for you to offer assistance in case something goes wrong with the product.

Also, untrained staff and lack of on-time support are major challenges, and you must look for someone with in-house customer service and trained staff. This would ensure the successful implementation of the web to print software.

Purchase the licensed software

You can either purchase a software product or go with internet-based software that provides you services based on the subscription, like the SaaS application. SaaS applications provide you with a more scalable solution as you can change your plan anytime and also offer you services at a low cost. It is also a less risky option, and you can move to a licensed product later if needed.

Marketing and promotion strategy

Discuss the features and support provided for SEO and marketing. You must go with a product that allows you to add the marketing plugins to the product. It allows you to promote your business properly on online platforms and involve everybody, including your staff, customers, and their needs to help you broaden your online visibility and increase your chances of success in the market.

Wrapping Up

We have tried to incorporate all the necessary features to buy the right web to print software. You must focus on how well the software product is able to interpret your needs as a business. Make sure the product is easily scalable, and you can add plugins and features to the product to increase its capabilities of the product.

How GPS Tracking System work and how it benefits you in 2021

The extra a part of international make use of a few sort of GPS following. Superb many people applied GPS tracking system innovation to layout travels, avoid hefty traffic, or get emergency aides. This innovation is even the purpose for an individual to individual communication: Last year, 36 million people observed their sporting activities and transferred them to strava.com to preserve tabs on their improvement or search for boasting rights.

Furthermore, consistently, armada directors all in the course of the planet set GPS Car Tracking Device to paintings following their transportable assets. They get records that assist them with resolving problems like responsibility, consistency, effectiveness, and wellbeing. So, GPS reasons their armadas to paintings all of the greater beneficially.

How GPS Tracking System and benefits

How GPS Tracking System Works

The precept usefulness of a GPS-primarily based international positioning framework comes from the usage of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) corporation. This corporation of satellites transmits microwave indicators which can be dispatched via a collection of GPS tracking system devices. These devices may be discovered in cars or molecular telephones themselves for instance. The facts this is communicated from the automobile are such things as location, automobile pace, bearing, and so forth

With appreciate to automobile following or automobile correspondence innovation, those are the 4 elements that make it conceivable:

In this article, we’re going to take a gander at what each such 4 elements do, how they cooperate, and sooner or later the records GPS gives. When you recognize and recognize the cycle, then, at that factor you could begin to recall manners with the aid of using which to take advantage of GPS to enhance your armada activities.

The Tracking Process

The GPS beacon is added right into an automobile (or piece of equipment or aid) to increase a huge variety of facts which includes momentum, inactive time, diagnostics, and so forth It makes use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS satellites) to recognize the automobile or equipment’s location consistently. The facts this is assembled from the automobile is then positioned away at the machine inside.

The records are then dispatched with the aid of using making use of a remote, or molecular community via providers like AT&T and Verizon. It is going greater than such a molecular network returned to an employee. The employee is going approximately like the “cloud” that lets you get to the facts irrespective of in which you’re on a PC, tablet, or mobile car phone.

The maximum crucial fact this is accounted for from the automobile is the ongoing location following of your cars and hardware. The location records are proven on a manual in near-continuous. Suppliers then, at that factor provides a group of manners with the aid of using which records may be gotten to, for example, breadcrumb trails in which the automobile has voyaged, how brief it went whilst in transit to a location, and that is most effective the end of the iceberg. All the intricacy of social event the records is accomplished at the back of the scenes, so all you want to strain over is signing in to installation robotized reviews and alarms of the facts this is enormous and pertinent to you.

What Can the System Track?

There is an abundance of facts that GPS records can display you to assist beat your one in all type enterprise challenges. The maximum self-obvious and fundamental check is giving perceivability into your armada’s present-day and true areas.

The following level could be taking a gander at records like speeding, sitting, unapproved usage, paintings test, or actual hours laboured as opposed to hours asserted, simply as giving a unique approach to live privy to upkeep. The possibilities are interminable, that is the purpose it is crucial to recognize what your problems are so that you recognize what to look for in a transportable aid the board supplier.

Who Uses GPS Tracking system?

Like we referenced earlier, GPS following is nearly all over, from our telephones to aircraft to ships. Furthermore, it is superior beyond spots on a manual. One enormous utility for this innovation is armada the executives.

Each affiliation that relies upon cars has a tremendous association to collect from making use of GPS tracking system to observe its flexible assets. Furthermore, it is now no longer without a doubt the massive armadas: Small close-by armadas likewise benefit enormously. You’ll find out cars going from authorities-possessed vehicles to lengthy stretch vehicles relying on GPS innovation.

Here are the most effective pair methods GPS tracking system tries to make enterprise and authorities armadas greater stable and greater practical.

Attempting to Cut Emissions and Fuel Use

Before the instances of GPS following, armada chiefs had no clue approximately what took place whilst their representatives – and their affiliation’s cars – left for the afternoon. They had no risk of knowing who to dispatch for occupations, or maybe whether or not the positions of the ones had been completing.

Presently, armada administrators can survey which cars to dispatch to a website for administration. Sending the nearest automobile saves time, units apart cash (via making use of much less fuel) and cuts discharges.

What’s greater, GPS innovation can likewise display screen automobile pace. Speeding is possibly the fastest procedure to eat cash: You can lose as much as 2% of your mileage for each mile every hour you power over fifty-five mph. Having GPS tracking system as the following association permits you to mentor drivers to maintain their pace down.

Eliminate Out the Side Positions

Some armada directors find out that employees are making use of corporation cars for aspect positions. Armada preparations can display whilst cars are being applied dusk and find out in which they may be going.

By wiping out aspect positions, you will lower mileage on cars. You can also additionally likewise discover that it guarantees your image. You would not want your affiliation to be associated with an unapproved painting.

Track All Your Assets

Armada following preparations paintings for each transportable aid, now no longer without doubt cars. You can display screen hardware like trailers and generators, providing you with extra peace of mind that they may be stable.

You can likewise geofence your worksites, this means that you will have the choice to differentiate assets leaving or getting into that space.

Customers Query

Now and again, customers will query how lengthy your representatives spent at their site. They can also add even assure they had been in no way there.

This innovation tackles that trouble with the nice affirmation of what occurred. It would possibly find which you have a few tough representatives. In any case, as a rule, you will find out facts to help you stay at the back of your advanced employees.

Your employees could be accountable to you. Furthermore, your affiliation could be accountable to your customers. That is an enormous carry for advanced purchaser assistance.

Saving Lives with Tracking

  • We referenced earlier that GPS has moved beyond dabs on a manual. Presently, GPS-primarily based armada following preparations can likewise provide cautions whilst drivers are not sporting a protection belt.
  • It can likewise sign risky using like tough stops, tough cornering, and surprising pace increase.
  • By looking at motive force conduct, you could assist higher using propensities fleetwide.
  • Now and again, it is possible to make use of GPS innovation to make custom solutions to your very own problems.
  • One provider corporation with GPS Insight on an “emergency sign” that might allow its representatives to name for assist in a crisis.
  • Months after the application completed the association, one line professional applied it to name for assist whilst his truck burst into flames whilst he turned into withinside the can of his truck overhauling an electrical cable. The thing stored his life.
  • What’s greater, a meals transportation corporation laboured with us after the development of rollover mishaps that took place at any price one casualty.
  • The corporation outstanding a “modification bend” on a throughway that turned into attempting for its using.
  • GPS tracking system Insight made an in-taxi alert that might inform drivers once they had been transferring in the direction of the adjustment bend. From that factor forward, the corporation hasn’t had any mishaps which include the modifications bend.

Work smarter with Window Blinds Software online

The use of different software solutions has made it easier for companies to work in much systematic manner. Among many software solutions, Window Blinds Software online is highly considered among the window, blinds, and shutter industry. When using such software, business enterprises can work in smarter ways such as simple scheduling and monitoring, sales tracking, job management, and a lot more. If you haven’t started using this software till now, go through the below benefits and understand why such a software solution is important for your business.

Window blinds software online

Benefits of Window Blinds Software

Helps you make fast bids & quotes:

Using the Blinds Software not only helps you manage your contacts in the calendar but also allows you to make detailed bids. You can make the bids for various window covering types and also get all the information from the list of the products and services. Moreover, you can also auto-fill customers’ information. Besides, the software allows you to sync all your quotes and invoices with QuickBooks, allowing you to save your precious time. With this, you can have easy access to important activities in regards to customers’ requirements and information.

Efficient Tracking Solution:

The use of Window Binds Software online allows you to track different business activities. By tracking different business activities, business owners can remain aware of the insight of the organization and know what needs to be done to ensure smooth business management. Moreover, the software allows you to track sales targets, profits & loose, daily expenses, and other such things. As the software allows you to track different business activities, it will be much easier for you to have an insight into your company and hence plan accordingly.

Save time:

When you make use of software solutions like Window Blinds Software, you are more likely to save your precious time. The software comes with completely automotive features, allowing you to complete different business activities in less possible time. When you get things done in less time, you are more like to save your employees’ important time, and hence that time can be utilized for other significant business activities. Therefore, if you want to get things done quickly with better efficiency, then it is high time for you to opt for Blinds Software.

The businesses of the window and shades industry have also been using the Window Covering Software online. This is one of the ultimate business management software for window covering retailers, making it easy to supervise multiple business activities. Here we bring you some of the top reasons why you should use such software solutions for your business.

Manage Business Anywhere:

One of the best advantages of using the Window Covering software is that it allows business owners to manage their business from anywhere. The software is completely cloud-based, allowing business owners and their employees to have access to the software from anywhere by using any device. As software allows you to operate the software from any location, you can manage all your business activities remotely. Moreover, this also allows you to run, operate, and supervise your business venture around the clock.

Appointment Scheduling:

With Window Covering Software online, you can easily schedule different appointments. From sales calls to managing your employees, each appointment or task can be efficiently scheduled when using such software solutions. Moreover, you can view the schedules from your mobile device and from anywhere. The scheduled appointments can be also be viewed by your employees and business partners from their mobile phones. Above all, the software comes with a simple drag and drop feature that allows you to plan and move your schedules to different days or times. Besides, the software allows you to assign/schedule the same task to multiple staff members if required.

Generate Unlimited Quotes & Orders:

With Window Covering Software, business enterprises can generate a countless number of quotes and orders. Not only this, you can create them for anywhere, remotely. The software allows business owners and employees to save quotes and orders, and view from different devices such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc. Besides, the software has a facility to save multiple products in a single line, allowing your customers/users to compare quotes.

How Technology Influences Digital Marketing?

Technology has been impacting millions of lives for many years. Whether it is electronic devices, occupations, or things that we follow in our daily routine, technology has contributed a lot in shaping our lives better. Now when it comes to the corporate world, the impact of technology is much higher. The best example of the use of technology in the corporate world is Digital Marketing. What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing

As we are known, marketing is one of the pillars that make the structure of every business firm. It does not matter if the business is small scale or large scale; marketing is used in every type of business irrespective of its size, nature, and kind. This is why you will around 99% of the companies doing marketing of their products and services.

When we talk about marketing, it could be so many types. However, the best form of marketing, which is a result of technology, is Digital Marketing. For all those who do not know the meaning of digital marketing, Digital Marketing is promoting products and services using digital platforms. It could be anything. If you use social media applications like Instagram, Facebook, Connected India, etc., you would see advertsiements in your account now and then. This is the power of Digital Marketing.

Apart from social media applications, software and electronic devices like Apple, Amazon, and Google Devices have become essential tools for promoting products and services using Digital Marketing strategies. It has been recorded that over 25% of Americans prefer to use voice-activated speakers to order products or services and conduct searches to find the most suitable product of their choice.


Not just search engines, the impact of technology is so huge that customers these days are preferring technologically advanced products. The best examples of these products could be voice-controlled bulbs, lights, fans, and even air conditioners.

However, all these things can be achieved only if a company allows technology to expand and is ready to execute its operations and technological changes. Thus, it becomes essential for the companies to put all the strategies into focus that are technology-driven and offer easy access.

Now, as we talk about technology and digital marketing, we can never ignore Social media applications. Social Networking Sites have become a common spot for marketers and multination companies to promote their products and services. There are a hundred reasons why companies are willing to promote their products and services using these channels. However, in this article, we will be discussing only a few of them.

Why Social Media for Digital Marketing

Social Media applications made their way into our lives many years before. Since then, they have been making our lives easier in various areas. However, for companies, Social Media Applications Like Instagram, Connected, Linked In, etc., offer a very profitable consumer market. There is hardly any person who does not have an account on some of the social media applications.

If you are among those people, you must have noticed that millions of users visit these applications daily. This is what excites companies are persuading them to promote their products using these platforms. When we talk about Social Media, we mean entertainment, knowledge, etc. however, Social Media for companies means a global consumer market with millions of potential customers who can be influenced and persuaded to buy companies’ products and services.

Will millions of audience. Companies can never take their eyes off these social media applications. What does a company require to grow and expand? The answer is more and more consumers. In this competitive world, companies need to have a competitive advantage over their competitors.

For that purpose, they must be able to grab a significant share in the consumer market. To catch a share, companies must make use of these platforms by using the best digital marketing strategies. Apart from all these things, let us understand the importance of Social Media from customers’ point of view.

A customer would only get attracted to a product or service if he quickly finds it and knows its details. If the path to get to the product is complex or technical, a customer might find another similar product. When companies promote their products and services using social media platforms, they automatically create an easy and user-friendly platform.

Using this platform, social media users can easily enquire about the product, know its specifications, and most importantly, order from the same portal. When a consumer gets all these things under one roof, he does not mind searching for other products and services. This is how social media applications keep the customers engaged.

However, we must not forget that all these things that customers or companies use from Social Media platforms are possible only because of technology.

How to check website traffic free & get web statistics

Daily analysis of the visitors to your site is essential if you need a spirited site. If you’re not tracking and analyzing the traffic of your business website, you have no way of knowing you have made good content and marketing decisions or not. For activating a Web Traffic Analysis services on a website a JavaScript code has to be installed in the pages of the website. Every time a visitor visits a page on this site, the code collects information about the visitor and forwards this information to store in the database. Website Traffic Analysis generates easy-to-read statistical reports about the volume and profile of visitors to your site, which pages are being visited most often, the search terms being used to find you and much, much more.

Website traffic track and analysis

Web Traffic Analysis services provide a variety of reports. To name one of them there is the basic statistics report which shows the number of visitors to the site, number of pages viewed, number of repeat visitors, etc. Then there are services who breakdown the traffic report on the basis of geographic location, entry pages, exit pages, referring web site, ISP, etc. Then again there are services which provide reports that indicate the search terms that the visitors entered in the search engines they used.

i-Three Web Solution designed and developed websites includes an easy to use Website Traffic Analysis package, so you can track how your website is working, from where your website visitor are coming from, which keyword they use to visit your website and more . This information is valuable for your company’s ongoing marketing and promotional strategies. We also provide this services to others website that come from another company who have not used this services their website.

How to rank on Google and Bing, best SEO trends & techniques 2018

“How to rank on google and bing?” is the most common question who has the website and want to rank in the different search engines. To expect to be rank in the search engines, it is always essential to follow the advanced and organic SEO techniques. This new year 2018 brings a lot of changes to the Google algorithm that will inevitably impact the natural referencing of your website. What are the google and bing ranking factors? What are the new SEO trends in 2018? And what are the new organic SEO techniques? To get the best answers to those questions, read the following guide and let us help you to rank on google and bing.

Bing/Google Ranking Factor 1: Mobile-First Index

Announced last year by Google, the arrival of the Index Mobile First is a significant development that may cause some upheaval in the world of SEO.

First of all, today more than 60% of searches on Google come from a mobile device, and the progression continues! To respond to this “new” search trend, Google has decided to launch the Mobile-First Index in 2017 … finally in 2018?

The principle of the Index Mobile First is to use the mobile version of a page rather than that of the “Desktop” to calculate the relevance and the “positioning potential.” It is one of the most preferred google ranking factor and SEO techniques in 2018.

If a site is not mobile-friendly or offers less content (quality and quantity) than on desktop, this will have a negative impact on its ranking in the search results of any search engine.

How to prepare for the Mobile-First Index?

The arrival of the Index Mobile First will have effects on the ranking of each site on the search engines: on the one hand, the decline in positioning places that have not done the necessary, the other the rise of those who will benefit from the reduction of others. It must be prepared more especially if the mobile version differs from the desktop version of a site.

Rule 1: Responsive Design of your website

Recommended by Google for several years, the responsive design is the most straightforward solution that offers a suitable display of the site regardless of the device used for navigation.

Other solutions are also possible:

  • The dedicated mobile site: a mobile site separate from the Desktop site that requires particular attention regarding the display of content between the mobile version and the desktop version (see Rule 2);
  • The dynamic serving: the same site but the server level detection of the page to display: mobile or desktop;
  • The Progressive Web Apps (PWA): the appearance of a web page but that can also behave as an application … the 2 in 1 to study if you want to launch a mobile app and recast your website.

Rule 2: What we see on Desktop should be on Mobile

If your Mobile site displays different content from the Desktop site, it is now necessary to correct it to offer the same content in both versions.

Without this update of your content, the risk of seeing your positions deteriorate is very high (not to say irremediable): this is particularly valid for dedicated mobile sites.

Rule 3: Priority to the user experience

Design, content display, customer journey, … everything must be thought for the mobile and to ensure simple and effective navigation = mobile friendly! Google’s mobile optimization test tool can help you.

Rule 4: Faster, better place!

Positioning factor increasingly crucial on Desktop since 2010, the speed of pages loading will be even more mobile in 2018.

A fast site is a site that:
• Is crawled more efficiently and more often by Google robots
• Has a better user experience
• Is favored concerning positioning in the search results

These are the three reasons to optimize the loading speed of the mobile version of your site as soon as possible to rank on google and bing.


How to find new keywords and relevant expressions?
To help you search for keywords and various expressions, multiple generators are available for free or not:
• SEMrush
• Keyword Tool
• Spyfu

In this research, think “synergy” by using the resources and information you have on your other levers of acquisition and visibility: SEA (AdWords & Bing Ads), Social Media, Analytics, … by consulting the performance of your campaigns you will discover new exciting tracks.

AMP, and why not?

According to a HubSpot study, an average of 145 minutes per day is spent on a mobile, and more than 30% of respondents say they use their mobile as the primary navigation tool on the Internet. To respond to this growth in mobile search, Google has integrated the technology Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) which allows displaying the pages very quickly on mobile.
According to Rudy Galfi, product manager of the AMP Project:
“the average loading time of an AMP page is 0.7 seconds, compared to … 22 seconds on average for a typical mobile page. ”

The first benefit of using the AMP technology is to provide an ultra-fast response to its audience and thus improve the user experience, which is always in a hurry.

The second benefit is that the AMP format makes it possible to gain visibility thanks to the AMP carousel displayed at the top of the mobile result page:

And finally, third benefit: the loading time is an essential factor in positioning, the use of the technology AMP could allow you to improve the organic positioning of your pages.

Netlinking: but what to do?

Netlinking should not go away in 2018, rest assured! But it is more important than ever to put in place a strategy to acquire only quality links. The volume has no interest except to wake up Penguin!
According to Google, “the best way to acquire new quality links to your website is to publish unique and relevant content. This useful content will then be more likely to be shared or “linked” by other sites to offer to its readers. “.
Yesterday predominant in the algorithm of Google, tomorrow residual … Netlinking seems to lose importance in SEO services but still relevant especially if it is “natural”. Attention, the hunt has already begun!


• Avoid Black Hat techniques (link systems, link ninja, paid linking, …) that are effective in the short term only;
• Favor only quality links;
• Clean up poor links if possible.

In conclusion, the Google algorithm quickly wins in intelligence and promotes relevance in search results, whether organic or sponsored.

In addition to this evolution of the algorithm undertaken in recent years and which will be reinforced in 2018, the mobile continues to become one of the key aspects not to neglect this new year (and those to come). The trend is towards an increasingly important use of mobile devices in Internet browsing habits: adaptation is both essential for search engines but also, for websites. Relevance + mobile = SEO version 2018!